The following list of marriages is a continuation of the vital statistics gleaned from the territorial newspaper collection of the Kansas State Historical Society. Previously published was "Death Notices From Kansas Territorial Newspapers,1854-1861," which appeared in the August and November, 1950, issues of The Kansas Historical Quarterly.The same general principles have been followed in this compilation as in the list of death notices. When a marriage was not performed in the community where the newspaper, in which the notice appeared, was published, the place of marriage is listed if known. Not all announcements included the site of the ceremony.The files of the Historical Society's territorial newspapers are remarkably complete, however in some instances there are only scattered issues. This fact and negligence in reporting marriages to the newspapers necessarily cause this list to be incomplete,but it does bring together marriage records from all parts of territorial Kansas for the first time. The recording of marriages has been required of the counties of this state since the start of county government in 1855, and many of them have such records from their beginning.One notable exception is Douglas county where records were destroyed in the Quantrill raid of August 21, 1863. Since 1913 marriages have also been recorded in the division of vital statistics of the state board of health at Topeka.
I have used some abriviations to save space anything in the [] is the Newspaper and loaction.
Leavenworth, Daily Times = LDT Lawrence, Republican =LR Lawrence, Herald of Freedom = LHF Atchison, Squatter Sovereign =ASS Topeka, Kansas Tribune =TKT Leavenworth, Weekly Times =LWT Lecompton, Kansas National Democrat =LKND Atchison, Freedom's Champion =AFC Atchison, Union =AU Elwood, Free Press =EFP White Cloud, Kansas Chief =WCKC Tecumseh, Kansas Settler =TKS Osawatomie, Southern Kansas Herald =OSKH Manhattan, Kansas Express,=MKE Emporia, Kansas New =EKN Prairie City, Freemen's Champion =PCFC Topeka, Kansas State Record =TKSR Burlington, Neosho Valley Register =BNVR Wyandotte, Western Argus =WWA Quindaro, Chindowan =QC Fort Scott, Democrat =FSD