ABBOTT, EPHRAIM, JR., formerly of Wyandotte,/Annette M. Wood, Spring- field, Ill., mar. Sept. 14, 1858, at Springfield. (L,KWH Oct. 9.) AIBFRNA@, J. J.,/ Lizzie Martin, formerly of Keokuk, Iowa, mar. Sept.2, 1859, residence of Dr. Davis, by Rev.J.C.Reaser.(LKWH,Sept..) ACKERLY, GODELOPE,/Elizabeth A. Goodrick, both of Stanton, mar. Dec. 22, 1859, at Osawatomie, by Rev. Z. Baker. (LDT Jan. 13, 1860.) ADAMS, LTJC-N R., Of Wellington, Ohio, / Harriet G. Lord, of Litchfleld, Conn., mar. Oct. 21, 1857, at Burlingame, by Rev. G. W. Paddock. (L R Nov. 26.) ADD,S, ALFRED S., late of Pennsylvania, /Sarah H., dau. of T. J. Short, for merly of Lexington, Mo., mar. Mar. 27, 1856, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LHF Mar. 29.) ADKINSON, WILLIAM W., / Ruth A. McClenning, mar. Jan. 1. 1856, at house of John Adkinson, by Rev. John Evans. (ASS, Jan. 22.) ALLEN, LUTHER,/Jane Nugent, mar. April 24, 1859, at the Chase House, by Rev.L.Bodwell.(T KT, April 28.) ALLER, A. L., Leavenworth, /Jennie E. Winchester, mar. Mar. 24, 1859, at Allen's Prairie, Mich., by Rev. N. Fassett. (LWT, April 9.) ALLER, W. H., /Eliza H. Perkins, mar. Mar. 24, 1859, at Allen's Prairie, Mich., by Rev. N. Fassett. (LWT, April 9.) ALTHEN, HENRY G., of St. Louis, Mo. / Amelia M. Randolph, of Lawrence, mar. Nov. 3, 1857, by Rev. . W. Hutchinson. (L H F, Nov. 14.) ALTON, CyRus D., / Frances C. Stewart, of Monrovia, mar. Sept. 5, 1858, at the Exchange Hotel, by Rev. J. F. Collins. (A F C, Sept. 18.) ANDERSON, G. W., /D. M. Graham, mar. May 24, 1860, by G. W. Barr, Esq. {E F P, May 26.) ANDERSON, DE. JOSEPH, / Mary C. Clements, mar. Mar. 20, 1860, at Tecumseb, by Rev. C. M. Callaway. (T KT, Mar. 24.) ANDREWS, R. S., / L. A. Ensign, mar. Nov. 12.1 1-859, by P. P. Wilcox, Esq. (A F C, Nov' 19.) ANSTEY, SIMEON, / Elizabeth Wise, Brown county, mar. Aug. 26, 1858, by J. W. Wilhoit. (WCKC, Aug. 26.) ANTHONY, J. MERRITT, / Mary Luther, Kingston, N. Y., mar. April 2, 1858. (O S K H, April 24..) ARNOLD ' NOAI, / Julia M. Graham, both of Douglas cotmty, mar. Feb. 8, 1860, by Rev. H. H. Moore. (L R Feb. 9.) ARTERBERny, THOMAS, / Caroline Anderson, mar. Aug. 13, 1857, near Franklin, by Rev.L. B. Dennis.(LR, Aug. 27.) ASHLEY, DR. A. F,, of Forest City, Mo., and Angie R. Longley,Hartford, Madison co , Kan., mar. Jan. 1, 1860, at Hartford, by S. J. Mantor, J. P. (E K , Jan. 14.) ATCHISON, WILLIAM, of Clay county, Mo., / Sarah, dau. of Dr. William Robertson, formerly of Kentucky, mar. Nov. 26, 1857, in Buchanan county, Mo. (L K W Herald, Jan. 23, 1858.) ATKINSON, WILLIAM, formerly of Peoria, Ill., / Mary Davenport, of Indianapolis, Ind., mar. Feb. 1(3, 1858, by Rev. R. C. Brant. (L R, Feb. 18.) ATWOOD, B. W., / Elizabeth S. Badley' both Of Whitewater, Otoe county,Kan., mar. April 1, 1860, at Chelsea, Butler county, by Rev. J. S. Saxby.(E K N, April 28.) BACON, HENRY R., / Ellen Brittan, both of Burlington, Kan., mar. Feb. 7,1858, at Burlington, by Rev. P. Remer. (PCFC, Feb. 25.) BACON, S. S., / Ellen R. Moore, mar. Aug. 24, 1859, by Rev. Richard Cordley. (LR, Oct. 13.) BAILEY, F. A., / Hattie A. Haskin, mar. Dec. 10, 1857, by Rev. S. Y. Lum. (L H F Dec. 12.) BAKER, EPHRAIM, / Mrs. Elmira'McCartney, mar. July 22, 1860, by Rev. C. M. Callaway. (TKSR, July 28.) BAKER, PETER H.,/ Margaretta Sebra, mar. Jan. 11, 1858, at Bloomington, Kan. (LR, fan. 28.) BAYER, VALENTINE, / Mary Litch, late of Lee county, Iowa, mar. April 6, 1858, by Mayor H. J. Adams. (L KW H, April 10.) BALDWIN, HENRY, / Ann E. Cosley, mar. Mar. 8, 1859, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (L R, Mar. 24.) BALDWIN, JAMES O.,/ Jane Vetteto, both of Le Roy township, Coffey county, mar. Sept. 20, 1860, by Rev. E. Phillips. (B NVR, Oct. 10.) BANKREAD, AscHEiR, / Mary Annabelle, dau. of the late Col. A. B. Chambers, St. Louis, Mo.,mar. June 10, 1857, at Oakland, near Bowling Green, Mo.,by Rev. Mr. Worthington. (L K W H, June 20.) BARKER, INGLIE, of Lawrence,/ Frances R. joy, of Akron, Ohio, mar. Oct. 30, 1858, at Akron, by the Rev. A. joy. (L H F, Nov. 20.) BARN]ES, DR. EDWARD A., / Susan J. Albin, mar. -, 1855, by Rev. C. H. Lovejoy. (L H F Dec. 1.) BARNEY, JOSEPH M., of Brimfield, Ill., / Sarah 'C. T., dau. of Deacon John T.Farwell, of Fitchburg, Mass., mar. Oct. 4, 1855, at Fitchburg, by Rev. E.W. Bullard, of Royalston, Mass. (L H F, Oct. 27.) BARTLETT, J. KEMP, of Leavenworth Times, / Virginia, dau. of E. Cowgill, Talbot Co, Md., mar. Oct. 12, 1858, at a Friends ceremony in presence of Mayor Henry. ( L, K WH, Oct. 23.) BATCHELLEft, J. W., / Anna E. Wade, both of Oregon, Mo., mar. Feb. 28,1858, by Rev. Edward Lambkin' (WC KC, Mar. 11.) BATES, DANIEL, editor of the Evangelist, Fort Madison, Iowa, / Mrs. Martha Ann B. Whyte, relict of D. M. Whyte, mar. Dec. 15, 1858, at New Bloomfield, Callaway county, Mo., by Elder A. Rice. (L KWH, Jan. 8, 1859.) BATES, COL. J. M., senior editor of Kansas City (Mo.) Metropolitan, / Mattie T., dau. of Moses Prewett, Columbia, Mo., mar. Oct. 26, 1858, by Rev. X. X. Buckner (L KWH, Nov. 20.) BAY, HucH, of Atchison, / Melinda Comstock, Jefferson county, mar. May 1,1860, by Rev. J. B. McAfee. (L R, May 17.) BAYNE, THOMAS R., /Susannah Hatton, both of Jefferson county, mar. Feb.1858, by Rev. William Wilson. (L KWH,April 10.) BIEAGLE, F. M., / California Hailey, mar. Nov. 18, 1855, in Kickapoo City,by T. Shaler. (LKWHerald, Dec. 1.) BEEDING, W. A., Parkerville, Mo., / Martha R. Walker, Wyandotte, mar. Aug. 27, 1857, at house of William Parker, by the Rev. Nathan Scarritt. (L KW H, Sept. 5.) BEERS, A. H. /Ann Elizabeth Minter, mar. Jan. 29, 1860, at residence of R. M. Smith, by the Rev. J. Spencer. (AU, Feb. 4.) BELZ, JOHN, / Sophia Binde, mar. Nov. 10, 1859, by the Rev. L. R. Standen- mayer. (AU, Nov. 12.) BENEDICT, WILLIAM F., / Eliza H. Walton, both of Douglas county, mar. Oct. 6, 1859, by the Rev. H. H. Moore. (LR Oct. 13.) BENJAMIN, HENRY, /Betsy Baysinger, mar. May 27, 1858, on Ottawa creek, by the Rev. Mr. Ingels. (PCFC, June 17.) BENNETT, G. W. C., Platte county, Mo., / Sallie, dau. of David and Elizabeth Black, Buchanan county, Mo., mar. Dec. 1, 1859, by Rev. 0. C. Steele. (AU, Dec. 10.) BENZ, JOHN J., Leavenworth / Louisa M. Cole, Weston, Mo., mar. April 30, 1857, at Weston, by Jeremiah Woods, Esq. (LKWH, May 16.) BERKAU, PAUL H., of near Bloomington, / Lizzie Jenson, Cambridge City,, Ind., mar. Jan. 18, 1857, at Cambridge City. (LHF, Feb. 21.) BENON FRANK H., / Susannah Mudeater, mar. Mar. 8, 1860, by Rev. Wm. Barnett. (WWA, Mar. 14.) BIRCH, MICHAEL, of Weston, Mo., / Mary Frances Combs, mar. May 25, 1856, by Rev. W. G. Caples. (L KWH, May 31.) BLACKSTONE, W. C., of Mapleton, / Anna E. Enlow, of Brooklyn, mar. May 10, 1860, at the Hildretb House, Mound City, by Rev. M. D. Tenney. (L R, May 24.) BLANTON, N. B., / Harriet Crosby, formerly of Warren county, Ill., mar. 11857, near Neosho City, by Rev. Benoni Wheat. (L R, Aug. 27.) BLEVINS, WILLIAM, / Martha Chandler, both of Jefferson county, mar. Oct. 25, 1860, at residence of Richard Chandler, by Rev. H. H. Hedgpeth. (O I,Oct. 31.) BLISS, HARMON J., Quindaro, / M. Elizabeth, dau. of Alvin Plumb, Westfield, N. Y., mar. Sept. 1, 1857, at Westfield, by Rev. Charles Mussey. (QC, Sept. 19.) BONIFANIT, BENJAMIN, Weston, Mo., / Tillie Leachman, Platte county, Mo., mar. Oct. 29, 1855, by Rev. 0. C. Steele. (LKWH, Nov. 17.) BOTHF,LL ADAM R., / Elvira Whitney, formerly of Pennsylvania, mar. Feb. 14, 1860, at the Bratton House, Burlingame, by Rev. A. M. Thornton. (EKN, Mar. 10.) BOTTS, GFORR-F W. D., / Mrs. Elizabeth Fales, recently of Boston, Mass., mar. Jan. 29, 1855, at Juniata, Kan., by the Rev. C. E. Blood. (L H F Feb. 17 ' ) BOWLES, L. S., / Miss Peteet, mar. -, 1855, by Rev. Thomas Allen. (ASS, Sept, 18.) BOWMAN, CHRISTIAN, formerly of Millerstown, Pa.,/ Mary E. Sutliff, the residence of bride's formerly of Fairhaven, Vt., mar. Aug. 15, 1860, at brother, William E. Sutliff, by Rev. Richard Cordley. (LR, Aug. 16.) BOYD, A. G., Weston, Mo., / Lizzie J. Beagle, mar. Jan. 24, 1856, by the Rev. W. G. Caples. (L K WH, Feb. 9.) BOYER, JOHN W., of Topeka, / Emily P., dau. of Anson Eddy, of Mission15, 1860, by Rev. J. T. Holliday. (L R, mar. July publican, July 26.) BOZELL, WILLIAM, / Rebecca W. Winsett, mar. Mar. 20, 1860, in Fieniont, by Rev. Calvin Meadows. (E KN, Mar. 24.) BRADFORD, WARD, / Mary E. Simpsons, mar. Nov. 15, 1857, by Rev. B. C. Dennis. (Sumner, Gazette, Nov. 20.) BIIAMHILL, JOHN, / Elizabeth Courtney, mar. Sept. 20, 1860, at Waterloo, Breekinridge county,l Kan., by John Wayman, J. P. (E KN, Sept. 29.) BREWER, MONTREVILLE, / Mrs. Mary Moody, mar. Aug. 2, 1858, by the Rev. E. Nute. (L HF Aug. 7.) BIUTTON, JOSEPH, / Mary Ellen Bacus, mar. Sept. 2, 1856, by P. P. Wilcox.(A S S, Sept. 2.) BROMLEY, MARTIN, / Tobiatlia Berry, both of St. Joseph, Mo., mar. Mar. 2, 1860, at the Great Western Hotel, Elwood, by the Rev. E. Whitney. (Elwood, Free Press, Mar. 24.) BROOKE, DR. C. B., of Lecompton, / Jennie Mockbee, of Westport, Mo., mar. May 5, 1859, at home of bride's father, near Westport, by Rev.Mr. Simonton. (L HF, May 28.) BROOKS, P. R., / Mary A. Boughton, mar. Oct. 8, 1858, by Charles Reynolds. (L R, Oct. 7.) BROWN, ALONZO J., / Clara M. Ingerson, mar. Oct. 29, 1857, by Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (L HF, Nov. 7.) BROWN, HON. B. GRATZ, editor of the St. Louis, Mo., Democrat, and Mary, dau. of Calvin Gunn, of Jefferson City, Mo., mar. Aug. 12, 1858, by Rev. S. D. Lougbead. (L R, Aug. 26.) BROWN, GEORGE, /Maria Likins, both of Franklin, mar. Dec. 28, 1857, by S. N. Wood, Esq. (L H F, Jan. 2, 1858.) BROWN, IRA, and Emrna Woodward, mar.May 8, 1860, by Rev. R. Cordley. (L R, May 17.) BROWN, SAMUEL W., / Mrs. Sarah A. Mahon, both of Johnson County, mar. April 26, by the Rev. William Bishop. (L R,April 28.) BROWN, WARREN, Fort Leavenworth, / Olivia N. Byrn, mar. Oct. 18, 1859, at residence of J. C. Dawley, by the Rev. J, G. Reaser. (LD T, Oct. 20.) BROWNE, ORVILLE H., / Mrs. Caroline Steiner, both of Douglas county, mar. Mar. 27, 1858, by Rev. William Wilson. (LKND, April I.) BROWNING, ASAPH, / Abbie Copeland, both of Fitchburg, Mass., mar. 1856, by the Rev. C. E. Blood. (L HF, Jan. 26.;] BRUNER, SAMUEL, / Joanna Maria Chapman, mar. April 12, 1859, at Americus, by Rev. George Perkins. (E KN April 16.) BUCK, GILES B., / Mollie E. Whelan, mar. Aug. 7, 1860, at St. Joseph, Mo., by the Rev. Mr. Nichols. (Atchison, Freedom's Champion, Aug. 11.) BUCKLEY, JAMES, / Mollie Adair, late of Kentucky, mar. Nov. 9, 1858, at residence of E. M. Rankin, by the Rev. Jonas Dodge. (Leavenworth, Kansas Weekly Herald, Nov. 20.) BUDINR,TON, GEORGE E., / Anne E. Shepherd, late of Albany, N. Y., mar. Nov. 11, 1858, at Quindaro, by the Rev. L. D. Storrs. (LR, Nov. 25.) BULL, T. J., / Mrs. Agnes Kirkpatrick, mar. Jan. 14, 1856, at residence of Mr. Nickerson, by the Rev. Mr. Martin. (LKWH, Jan. 19.) BULL, DR. W. D., / Sue R. Brown, mar. Jan. 20, 1858, by the Rev. Leander Ker. (L KWH, Jan. 23.) BULLEN, J. H., / Alma E., dau. of Nathaniel Greenwood, Farmington, Me., mar. Nov. 5, 1857, by the Rev. Mr. Henderson. (LWT, Nov. 6.) BUNKER, T. G., / H. A. Hartwell, mar. Jan. 1, 1857, by the Rev. L. Bodwell. (TKT, Jan. 12.) BURLEY, RUFus B., of Sugar Mound, Linn county, and Sarah A. Flanders, of Northport, Me., mar. Oct. 5, 1857, at Belfast, Me., by Timothy Chase, Esq. (L R, Nov. 5.) BuiiR, RICHARD, / Jennie Vandever, mar. Oct. 2, 1858, near Le Roy, by J. R. T. Sbull, J. P. (LH F, Nov. 20.) BTiRRouGns, EDGAR C., / Mary J. Houghton, both of Wakarusa, mar. Oct. 29, 1860, by the Rev. W. H. Hickox. (T K T, Nov. 3.) BUSHMAN, CHARLES, / Maria Codd, mar. July 12, 1860, at Burlington, by the Rev. Peter Remer. (BNVR, July 28.) CALVERT, FRANK, Kansis territory, / Beattie, dau. of Lewis Calvert, Platte Co, Mo., mar. Dec. 3, 1857, by Rev. J. B. Wright. (LKWH, Jan. 9, 1858.) CAMPBELL, ALEX. M., / Christina A. Phillips, both of Salina, mar. Nov. 6, 1858, at Riley City, by judge Gordon. (L R, Dec. 9.) CAMPDORAS, DR. MARIE ANTONINE EUCENE jAc(2uEs, and Eliza M. Reader, mar. Feb. 22, 1858, at residence of bride's uncle, Indianola, by Rev. J. T. Holliday. (T KT, Feb. 27.) CARPENTER, C. HowARD, / Sarah E. Jones, recently of Keene, N. H., mar. April 5, 1855, by Rev. H. B. Burgess. (L H,April 7.) CARE, ALEXANDER, / Mary L. Snioot, mar. Jan. 22, 1858, by the Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (Lawrence, Herald of Freedom, Jan. 23.) CARR, JOHN, / Patscilla Staly, Easton, mar. Jan. 13, 1857, at Easton, by S. H. Oliphant. (L KWH, Jan. 31.) CARRIER, MILO, / Almira Fox, mar. Jan. 30, 1858, at home of bride's father, H. Fox, Brownville, Kan., by Rev. J. E. Moore. (PCFC, Mar. 18.) CASE, DEXTER, / Mary Jane Ayers, both formerly of Ohio, mar. Dec. 6, 1859, at Spring Hill, by the Rev. R. P. Duval. (LR, Dec. 15.) CASE, LA@ENCE, of Prairie du Chien, Wis., and Emily F. Avery, of Clinton, Douglas county, mar. Sept. 7, 1859, by the Rev. E. Note. (LHF, Sept. 10.) CASPER, A., and Dorethea Luedeman, mar. Nov. 22, 1860, by the Rev. 1. S. Kalloch. (LDT, Nov. 26.) CATTERSON, JOHN L., / Ellen Bundren, mar. May 30, 1860, by the Rev. J. C. Fraker. (E KN, June 2.) CIIADWICK, W. W., of Hamilton county, Ohio, and R. M. Williamson, of Stanton, Kan., mar. Oct. 12, 1859, at Stanton, by the Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (L H F, Nov. 26.) CHALLis, GEORGE T., / Florence Imogene Bennett, mar. Nov. 13, 1856, by the Rev. Thomas Hoagland. (Atchison, Squatter Sovereign, Nov. 22.) CHASE, JACOB E., / Augusta L. Stewart, mar. Jan. 23, 1859, at ElDorado, by Rev. G. Perkins. (EKN, Jan. 29.) CHESTNUT, JAMES, / Lydia A. Benedict, mar. Feb. 23, 1857, near Ottumwa, by Rev. John Eamheart. (LHF, Mar. 14.) CHRISTIAN, M. A., / Letitia H., dau. of William H. Gage, mar. Dec. 13, 1857, near Tecumseh. (LKWH, Jan. 23, 1858.) CHUMLEY, HENRY J., / Mary A. Roberts, both of Wathena, mar. Sept. 9, 1858, by Rev. E. Alward. (E KW P, Sept. 11.) CLARK, HENRY S., / H. Maria Felt, mar. Jan. 1, 1860, by Rev. John S. Brown. (L R, Jan. 12.) CLARKE, RICHAIZD W., / Cassa F. Kirkbr,',de, mar. Aug. 7, 1860, at residence of bride's father in Wyandotte, by Rev. William Barnett. (L R, Aug. 16.) CLARICE, SH)N.EY, / Henrietta Ross, mar. Nov. 29, 1860, by the Rev. Richard Cordley. (LR, Dec. 6.) CLAYTON, G. WASHINGTON, of Denver City, Kan., / Letitia E. Myers, of PbiIadelphia, Pa., mar. Sept. 12, 1860, by Rev. C. D. Cooper. (LDT, Sept. 27.) CLAYTON, GEORGE E., of Caytonville, Kan., Mary Caswell, Upper Alton, Ill., mar. June 11, 1857, in St. Louis, Mo., by Rev. Washington Barnburst. (L KWH, June 20.) CLINE, JACOB K., Brown county, / Mary Ann Devolt, Doniphan county, mar. Aug. 7, 1859, in Brown county, by Isaiah P. Winslow, Esq. (W C K C, Aug. 11.) COAT, G. W., of Mason county, Ill., / Elizabeth M. Baldwin, of Lawrence, mar. July 1, 1857, by Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (LHF, July 11.) COBERD, ELIAS, / Hannah Crone, both of Jefferson county, mar. Oct. 24, 1860, by the Rev. S. Brooks. (O I, Oct. 24.) COE, HENRY L.,/ Eliza M. Gifford, both formerly of Aurora, Ill., mar. May 12, 1858, by Rev. R. C. Brant. (PCFC,May 13.) COE, J. M., of Lawrence, / Mary M. Wood, of Homer, Mich., mar. Sept. 2, 1858, at Homer, by Rev. Mr. Faucher. (LHF, Oct. 9.) COLE, JOHN F., /Hettie Foncannon, both of Topeka, mar. May 10, 1860, at the Auburn Hotel, Auburn, by Rev. F. P. Montfort. (TKT, May 12.) COMPTON, JOHN, / Emily Breese, mar. Mar. 24, 1858, at Hickory Grove. (PCFC, April 1.) CONKLIN, ENSIGN, of Cincinnati, Ohio, / Anna D. C. Bowers, of Rock Island, Ill., mar. June 7, 1860, at residence of Henry J. Bowers, Rock Island, by Rev. Mr. McMasters. (LR, June 7.) CONNER, TnomAs H., / Mary A. McClelland, both of Willow Springs, mar. Mar. 15,1860, at Willow Springs, by Rev. R. Cordley. (LR, Mar. 29.) COOK, HENRY N., of Columbia, Mo., / Hattie Scott, of Arrow Rock, Mo., mar. Mar. 9,1859, at Arrow Rock. (LKWH, Mar. 26.) Cooic, J. W., / Mrs. E. A. Granniss, Evansville, Wis., mar. Jan. 1, 1861, at Evansville, by Rev. C. M. Morehouse. (EFP, Jan. 12.) COOPER, WILLIAM, Oskaloosa, / Mrs. Almira Anderson, Lecompton, mar.Sept. 22, 1860, at Lecompton, by Mr. McKinney, J. P. (OI, Sept. 26.) CORDLEY, THE REV. RICHARD, / Mary Ann Cox, of Hamburg, Mich., mar. May 19, 1859, at Hamburg, by the Rev. D. L. Eaton. (LR,May 26.) COREY, AL@D, / Martha Hoover, both of Pleasant Hill, Kan., mar. Dec. 25, 1855, by Elder William Hicks. (LKFS, Jan. 7, 1856.) CORLEW, HENRY AUSTIN, / Zorelda Bledsoe, mar. April 3, 1855, at the residence of judge John Curtiss, by J. K. Goodin, Esq. (LHF April 14.) CORRELL, JAMEs, / Susan McGee, mar. Aug. 20, 1857, by the Rev. S. S. Snyder. (LR, Sept. 3.) CoRum, JOHN L., / Sarah Ann Harrod, mar. April 26, 1859, by the Rev. D. Bolles. (LKWH, April 30.) COUTANT, JAklE:S W., / Louisa Wolford, mar. Jan. 15, 1860, at residence of Mr. Clough, by Rev. Mr. Hale. (FSD, Jan. 19.) COX, JAMES, / Catbrine Glascock, mar. Dec. 25, 1856, near Troy, by Capt. A. Heed. (Doniphan, Kansas Constitutionalist, Jan. 7, 1857.) CRACKLIN, CAPT. JOSEPH, / Emily Dunlap, formerly of New Boston, N. H., mar. Mar. 30, 1858, by Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (Lawrence, Herald of Freedom, April 10.) CRAIGiirLL, SAMUEL J., formerly of Jefferson county, Va., / Sallie C., dau. of William D. Barrow, mar. Feb. 24, 1859, near Doniphan City, by Rev. J. E. Ryan. (EKP, Mar. 5.) CRAIN, S. E., and Martha M. Cody, mar. Feb. 7, 1858, at residence of Mrs. Cody on Salt creek, by Rev. B. C. Dennis. (LKWH, Feb. 13.) CRAM, HIBAM, / Mary Brero, both of Franklin, mar. June 10, 1855, at the Union Hotel, Lawrence, by Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (Lawrence, Herald of Freedom, June 16.) CRANE, DR. DAVID R., / Caroline Wright, mar. Sept. 30, 1857, at Kickapoo, by the Rev. H. Stone. (LWT, Oct. 9.) CRANE, JOHN L., / Mary Ann Hill, of North Brookfield, Mass., mar. 1858, at Brookfield, Mass. (LHF, Sept. 18.) CRAWFORD, CHARLES T., / Sarah E. Large, mar. Aug. 18, 1855, at Delaware City, by Rev. David Z. Smith. (LKTR, Aug. 25.) CRAWFORD, MEREDITH BROc3c, / Mary Ann O'Neal, mar. Jan. 25, 1860, by Rev. J. T. Holliday. (TKSR Jan. 28.) CRESSMAN, W. H., / Tillie E. Streeter, mar. Oct. 18, 1860, by the Rev. A. W. Pitzer. (LDT, Oct. 19.) CRICKET, CHARLES H., / Mrs. Ellen M. Fisk, mar. Sept. 30, 1860, by the Rev. William Bishop. (LR, Oct. 4.) CROCKER, EDWIN, / Caroline Barrett, both of Madison county, Kan., mar. Oct. 7, 1860, by the Rev. P. Remer. (BNVR, Oct. 10.) CROCKETT, ALLISON, Kansas City, Mo., / Lizzie J. Bennett, Wyandotte, mar. June 12, 1860, at residence of Dr. J. E. Bennett, by Rev. William Barnett. (LR, June 21.) CITUMP, JEREMIAH, / jemima King, both Negroes, mar. June 2, 1858, at Quindaro House, by P. T. Colby, Esq. (QC, June 5.) CUNDIFF, MAJ. JAMES H., junior editor of the St. Joseph (Mo.) Gazette, / Celia C. Keedy, mar. Oct. 11, 1855, at St. Joseph, Mo., by Rev. Thomas Hoagland. (ASS, Oct. 16.) CMMY, WILLIAM A., Jefferson City, Mo., / Jennie Smith, Fauquier county, Va., mar. Nov. 12, 1857, in St. Mary's Church, Fayette, Mo., by the Rev. T. L. Smith. (LKWH, Dec. 5.) CURTISS, AIMED, / Clara Haskins, both of Clinton, Kan., mar. Mar. 16, 1859, by the Rev. T. J. Ferril. (Lawrence, Republican, Mar. 24.) CUTLER, DR. G. A., formerly of Nashville, Tenn., / Hattie A., dau. of C. C. Tuttle, formerly of Beloit, Wis., mar. Jan. 31, 1858, at Garvey House, by Rev. James Holliday. (T KT, Feb. 20.)