DAKE, CHARLES, of Americus, / Elizabeth Anderson, of El Mendaro, Madison county, Kan., mar. June 7, 1859, at Americus, by Wesley Thompson, Esq. (EKN, June 18.) DA LEE, A. G., / Martha A. Lamon, mar. April 1, 1860, at Ford's Hall, by the Rev. W. 0. Thomas, pastor First Baptist Church. (LR, April 5.) DARLING, THOS. J., / Ellen O'Brien, of Leavenworth, mar. Dec. 15, 1860, by the Rev. A. W. Pitzer. (WCG, Dec. 22.) DARNALL, JAMES T., / Annie E. Simmons, mar. Oct. 17, 1855, by the Rev. W. G. Caples. (ASS, Oct. 23.) DARNALL, RICHARD T., / Sue E. Benigbt, mar. May 23, 1860, at residence of bride's brother,,-Easton, Mo., by Isaiah Williams. (LKWH, June 2.) DAVIDSON, JOHN R., / R. C. Philhppay, of Massillon, Ohio, mar. Aug. 7, 1860, by the Rev. T. J. Ferril. (LR, Aug. 16.) DAY, JOHN W., / Mary J. Fairholm, formerly of Waynesville, Ohio, mar. Dec. 8, 1859, at Oskaloosa, by the Rev. William R. Ward. (LDT, Dec. 15.) DEACON, GUSTAVUS, proprietor of the St. Charles, / Mrs. C. McCarty, mar. Feb. 8,1857, by J. M. Taylor, Esq. (LWJ, Feb. 12.) DEAN, HOMER L., formerly of Worcester county, Mass., / Marie E. Richardson, formerly of Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y., mar. July 4, 1860, at Hiawatha, by Rev. G. Rice. (WCKC, July 19.) DIEGNER, FERDINAND, / Mrs. Marie Waibel, mar. Sept. 21, 1856, by John M. Taylor, J. P. (LKWH, Sept. 27.) DE LONG, W. H., / Magg-e Carriger, mar. Dec. 8, 1857, at residence of bride's father, Elliott C@rriger, near Brownville, by Rev. F. P. Montfort. (TKT, Dec. 19.) DENISON, THE REV. JOSEPH, P. E. of Manhattan district, Kansas and Nebraska Conference, / Mrs. Frances A. Dennis, Baldwin City, mar. Nov. 21, 1859, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. ( BNVR, Dec. 13.) DENNIS, THE REV. B. C., / Melissa Earnheart, late of Greencastle, Ind., mar. Sept. 6, 1857, at Ottumwa, Kan., by Rev. Mr. Fenimore. (LHF Sept. 12.) DENNIS, JOHN H., / Nancy Thompson, both of Nemaha county, mar. May 14, 1857, by C. Dolman, Esq. (LKWH, June 6.) DE NOYER, Chas., / Ellen E. Grant, mar. May 17, 1860, by Rev. Father Heimann. ( LDT, May 18.) DEWOLF, EDWARD P., / Juliana Hall, both formerly of Illinois, mar. Oct. 15, 1856, at Topeka, by Rev. H. B. Burgess. (LHF, Nov. 8.) DICKSON, SAMUEL, / Mary Frances Turner, of Platte county, Mo., mar. Dec. 7, 1856, in Platte county, by Rev. Philip J. Burrus. (ASS, Dec. 23.) DIESBACH, HEINRICH, / Louise Leu, mar. Dec. 18, 1859, by Rev. L. R. Staudenmayer, rector of St. Mary Magdalene's Church. (AU, Dec. 24.) DINE, Louis, / Minnie Sessler, mar. Dec. 28, 1857. (SG Jan.2, 1858.) DISBIlow, EBENEZER, / Bethiah Bryan, mar. Dec. 19, 1858, at home of bride's father, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LR Dec. 23.) DISBROW, SAMUEL G., / Mrs. Harriet Lark-in, both of Tecumseh, mar. Sept. 12, 1860, by Rev. James S. Griffing. (TKSR, Sept. 15.) Dix, RALPH C., / Bridgett Graham, late of Freeport, Ill., mar. May 29, 1859, by the Rev. S. Y. Lum. (LHF, June 4.) DODD, JOHN P., / Mrs. Eliza J. Brunner, mar. Jan. 8, 1860, at Osawato-iC, by Rev. L. C. Conrey. (LDT, Jan. 13.) DONAHUE, HENRY W., / Polly, youngest dau. of Joseph H. Killbuck, mar. June 3,'1855, at Shekomeko (Moravian mission), three miles from Leavenworth, by Rev. David Z. Smith. (LKWH, June S.) DONIPHAN, JUDGE JAMES, and Kate Doss, Weston, Mo., mar. Aug. 9, i857, at Weston, by Rev. W. H. Saxton. (LKWH, Aug. 15.) DONoHo, DAVID, and Mary E., dau. of George W. and Ann C. Gist, mar. Jan. 24, 1856, at residence of Wm. H. Adarns, by the Rev. H. P. Johnson. (LKWH, Jan. 26.) DOOLITTLE, BENSON E., Coal creek, Kansas, / Vancy A. Weaver, Pioneer, Ohio, mar. Dec. 11, 1859, at Pioneer, by Rev. C. M. Crossland. (LR Jan. 5, 1860.) DOOLITTLE, L. T., / Adalissa H. Taylor, mar. Mar. 8, 1857, by W. W. Backus.(LWJ, Mar. 12.) DOOLITTLE, LEWIS, / Naomi Beenpole, both of Hunter county, Kan., mar. July 20, 1860, on Walnut creek, by Rev. G. Cosgrove. (EKN Aug. 11.) DOTY, HENRY S., / Lodusky Huested, mar. Dec. 31, 1857, by Rev. M. A. Fairchild. (OSKH, Jan. 16, 1858.) DOUGHERTY, WILLIAM A., / Mary Ann Vallandigham, mar. Jan. 3, 1856, by Rev. H. P. Johnson. (LKWH Jan. 5.) DOUGLASS, JOHN C., / Ellen R., dau. of Willard Robinson, mar. Nov. 1, 1860, at Attleborough, Mass., by the Rev. Mr. Chase. (LDT, Nov. 13.) Dow, SIMON, / Jane M. Kinsley, both of Wilmington, Wabaunsee county, mar. Dec. 25, 1859, at Elmdale, Breckinridge county, Kan., by J. R. Swallow, J. P. {LDT, Jan. 13, 1860.) DOWELL, JOHN A., White Cloud, / Mary L. Northern, mar. Nov. 11, 1858, at the City Hotel, by Giles A. Briggs. (WCKC, Nov. 18.) DOWNEY, JOHN G., / Mary, dau. of Tice Yocum, mar. Feb. 14, 1860, by the Rev. L. A. Alderson. (AU Feb. 25.) DOWNS, FRANCIS H., late of Woodbury, Conn., / Julia Ann Pryor, mar. Oct. 29, 1858, at Padonia, Brown county, by Isaiah P. Winslow. (WCKCh Nov. 4.)IFeb. 25.) DOWNS, JAMES S.,/Mary E. Yoakum, mar. Mar. 10, 1859, by Rev. A. W. Pitzer. (LDT, Mar. 11.) DOWNS, W. F., of Wyandotte City, / Louisa Kridle, mar. Sept. 17, 1857, at Fremont, Ohio, by Rev. E. Bushnell. (SG, Oct. 17.) DOYLE, MICHAEL J., Atchison, / Matilda dau. of Edward and Sarah Dunn, of Salt creek, Kan., mar. June 10, 1858, 'at the Catholic church, by Rev.Father Duffle. (LKWH, June 19.) DOZIER, DR. JOHN, Oregon, Mo., / Ursula Briggs, mar. Oct. 11, 1859, at Oregon. (WCKC Oct. 20.) DRAKE, CHARLES, / Mary Crimsley, mar. Jan. 1, 1859, by Rev. G. Perkins. (EKN, Jan. 29.) DUANE, MARTIN, Atchison county, / Eliza A. Hays, mar. April 5, 1859, at the residence of judge S. M. Hays, by Rev. E. J. Owen. (SG, April 23.) DUFFEE, Louis, / Margaret Sowash, mar. Jan. 31, 18'60, at Mr. Pierson's, eight miles west of Lawrence, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LR, Feb. 9.) DUNN, JOHN T.,/ Mary Ann Gilchrist, mar. April 19, 1857, by Bishop Mi6ge. (LKWH, May 9.) EARL, GEORGE F., / Jennie L. Crittenton, mar. Nov. 23, 1857, at the home of A. H. Mallory, by Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (LHF Nov. 28.) EDWARDS, C. L., / Susie R. Powers, of North Hadley, Mass., mar. Oct. 4, 1860, at residence of bride's father, North Hadley, by Rev W. H. Beaman. (LR, Oct. 18.) EDWARDS, R. R., St. Joseph, Mo., / Nannie, dau. of Hon. G. W. Waterson, Doniphan county, mar. Dec. 24, 1857. (LKWH, Jan. 23, 1858.) EELS, HortAcE, / Cordelia A., dau. of John A. Kimball, mar. Sept. 27, 186o, by Rev. J. Paulson. (MKE Sept. 29.) EC,LEHOFF, JOHN MICHAEL, / Mrs. Mona Hemphill, mar. April 16, 1855, by Rev. S.S. Snyder. (LKFS April 21.) ELLSWORTH, FREDERICK B., /Annie L. Metcalf, formerly of Sydney, Austraha, mar. July 14, 1859, at St. Mark's church, by Rev. J. E. Ryan. (EFP, July 16.) EMBRY, G. H.,/Josephine A. Johnson, mar. Oct. 31, 1860, at the Johnson House, Lawrence, by Rev. R. CordIey. (TKT, Nov. 3.) EMMONS, THOMAS H.Ontonagon, Mich./ Elvira Mitchell, Neosho Falls, mar.Oct.9,1859,by Rev.R.Mowry.(B, NVR Nov. 29.) EmoRy, FRED, / Emma, dau. of Capt. Simon and Elvira S. Scruggs, mar. May 26, 1857, by Rev.Leander Ker. (LKWH, May 30.) ENNIS, WILLIAM S., Walnut creek, / Susan H. Peterson, Macmasport, Me., mar. Nov. 15, 1857, at residence of Noah Hanson, by William G. Sargent. (WCKC, Nov. 26.) FAHOLA, JOHN, /Mrs. Mary Canary, both of Quindaro, mar. Sept. 30, 1860, by Joseph Speck. (WCG, Oct. 6.) FARIER, C. W., / Mary jessee, mar. Jan. 22, 1860, at Bloomington, at the residence of the bride's father, William jessee, by Elder J. Elliott, of Illinois. (LR, Feb. 2.) FARNHAM, REUBEN H.,/ Frances E., dau. of the late Hector Humphreys,Batavia, N. Y., mar. Oct. 3, 1859, at Batavia, Genesee county, N. Y.by Rev.Richard Radley. (LND, Oct. 13.) FARNSWORTH, JOHN W./ Nelly Jacobs, both of Topeka, mar. Mar. 4, 1858, by Rev. C. M. Callaway. (TKS, Mar. 10.) FAULEABEIR, GEORGE L.,/Lillie Grimshaw, of Jefferson City, Mo., mar. Jan. 2, 1861, by Rev. J. Regier. (TKT, Jan. 19.) FAUX, Joseph,/ Mary Ann Keener, mar. Oct. 29, 1958, in Johnson county, by J. D. Allen, Esq. (LHF, Nov. 13.) FINK, KASSIMER JOHANNES,/ Maria Dora Haguer, both of Diamond Springs creek, Chase county, mar. Mar. 27, 1860, at Americus, by S. S. Chapman, Esq. (LR, April 12.) FISHER, T. F., of Buffalo, N. Y./Ann A. Kendall, of Worcester, Mass., mar. Feb. 8, 1860, at Buffalo, by /Rev.Dr. Heacock. (LDT, Feb. 24.) FISHER, WILLIAM,/ Fanny Franklin, both of Burlington township, mar. July 16, 1860, by A. Holland, Esq. (BNVR, Aug. 11.) FISHERo, DR. SERINO,/ Mary Phillips, mar. June 23, 1860, at residence of bride's father, by the Rev. Strange Brooks. (OI, July 11.) FISHMAKER,C. T./ Pocahontas Hattan, mar.May 5, 1855, at Delaware, Kan., by Rev. T. J. Ferril. (LHF, May 5.) FITCH, EDWARD P./ Sarah A. Wilmartb, mar. April 19, 1857, by Rev. S. Y. Lum(LR, May 28.) FrrzpATmcx, JAMES, Topeka township, and Lucy Almira Woods, Trunau, Shawnee county, mar. Aug. 8, 1860, by Rev.J. S. Griffing. (TKSR, Aug. 25.) FLETCHER, SAMUEL H./ Anna M. Nance, mar. Sept. 29, 1859, at the house of John Jackson, by J. C. Miller. (TKSR Oct. 1.) FLOWERS, D. A. G./Lizzie Withers, both of Delaware City, mar. May 16, 1858, by Rev. W. Thomas. (LKWH, May 22.) FOARD, WILLIAM F/ Buckie Johnston, Platte county, Mo., mar. Oct. 5,1859, by Rev. S. F. Johnson. (LDT, Oct. 11.) FOGG, JOSHUA, St. Louis, one of the proprietors of Bamum's Hotel,/Josephine L., dau. of Merritt Brooks, Rome, N. Y., mar. Feb. 16, 1858, at Rome, by Rev. N. Barrows. (LKWH Mar. 13.) FOLEY, DUDLEY, Lecompton,/ Nancy Amanda Huddleson, of Buchanan county, Mo., mar. Dec. 13, 1857, in Platte county, Mo. (LKWH, Jan. 23, 1858.) FOLRZ, CYRUS, / Helen M., dau. of Chester Thomas, mar. July 4, 1860, by the Rev John E. Moore. (TKSR,July 7.) FORD, E. N.,/ Mary Norton, mar. Oct. 28, 1858, by the Rev. Charles Reynolds. (LHF, Nov. 6.) FOSTER, FREEMAN R., of Topeka,/ Martha E. Bowman, of Spring, Pa., mar. Aug. 13, 1857, at Spring, by Elder Jesse E. Church. (LHF, Sept. 5.) FOSTER, WILLIAM, formerly of Greencastle, Ind.,/Mrs. Mary B. Myers, mar. April 14, 1858, by Rev. A. W. Pitzer. (LWT, April 17.) F@ER, ROBERT L., /Mollie A. Jewett, of St. Albans, Vt., mar. Nov. 10, 1859, at St. Albans, by the Rev. William N. Frazer. (LHF Nov. 26.) FREDERICK, SOLOMON Z./Irenia Vandeventer, mar. Oct. 10, 1858, at Waterloo, Kan., by J. R. Swallow, Esq. (EKN, Oct. 16.) FRENCH, JAMES CARY,/ Emily C. Haskell, mar. Dec. 10, 1860, in Dover precinct, by Jacob Haskell, Esq. (TKSR,Dec. 22.) FRENCH, SAMUEL T./ Elizabeth Brindle, mar. Feb. 27, 1859, by E. B. Kirkendall, J. P. (EKN, Mar. 5.) FROSS, CHARLES, Topeka,/Nellie M. Campbell, mar. Aug. 17, 1860, at Tecumseh. (TKT, Aug. 25.) FRY, JOHN, / Mary B. Anderson, mar. Oct. 29, 1857, near Franklin, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LR, Nov. 5.) FuLKs, JOHN,/Harriett McKinney, both of Butler county, mar. July 30, 1860, at Walnut creek, by Rev. G. Cosgrove. (EKN, Aug. 11.) FuLiKs, PHENIS, / Barbara Maloy, both of Butler county, mar. July 28, 1860, at Walnut creek, by Israel Scott, Esq. (EKN, Aug. 11.) FULLER, JOSEPH A./ Mildred S. Payne, mar. May 16, 1860, by Rev. G. C. Morse. (EKN, May 19.) FULLER, WATSON, / Emma Evans, mar. June 13, 1860, by R. Bigsby, Esq. (EKN, June 16.) FURNISH, JAMES THOMAS, / Angelina Butler, mar. Aug. 7, 1859, in Brown county, by Isaiah P. Winslow, Esq. (LR, Aug. 25.)