ST. John, Ephraim, JR./ Romania B. Parsons, mar. Oct. 13, 1860, by Rev. C. E. Blood. (MKE, Oct. 20.) SANDERS, JOHN, /Sarah Ann Schrimpf, mar. Oct. 25, 1860, on Little Stranger creek, by 1. S. Kalloch, Esq. (LDT, Oct. 27.) SANDLING,, GILES, / Eliza Harmon, mar. Feb. 26, 1857, on Pottawatomie creek, by Rev. William C. McDow. (LHF,April 11.) SANDS, JAMES C./ Susie E. Brown, mar. April 8, 1860, at the Congregational church, by Rev. R. Cordley. (LR, April 12.) SARDOU, CHAIILES, / Barbee Etice, mar. Feb. 13, by M. C. Brewster, J. P. (TKS, Feb. 24.) SAWIN, FRANKLIN O./ Lydia M. Smith, mar. Nov. 17, 1858, at residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Sawin, Hamlin, Brown county. (WCKC, Dec. 2.) SCRITTZ, JOSEPH, / Adah Uligb, mar. Nov. 19, 1860, by judge Wheeler. (WCKC, Nov. 29.) SCHMIDLING, FRANCIS / Maria L. Bundren, mar. April 4, 1860, by the Rev. E. Phillips. (EKN, April 7.) SCHOFIELD, C. C., / Mary E. Norton, both of Clinton, mar. April 7, 1859, at Clinton, by / Rev. J. Copeland. (LR, April 14.) SEARL, A. D., / Susie J. Clapp, of Southampton, Mass., mar. Nov. 9, 1857, at Southampton, by the Rev. David Strong. (LR, ,Nov. 26.) SEIGRIST, CHARLES, / Emilia Simon, mar. Dec. 27,1860, by Jos. W. Robinson. (EFP Dec. 29.) SEYBOLD, FREDERICK, / Sarah McCarty, mar. Mar. 5, 1856, at residence of Mr. Richardson, by Hon. William E. Murphy, mayor. (LKWH, Mar. 8.) SEYMOUR, WILLIAM H., / Nancy Culbertson, both of Linn county, mar. Jan. 6, 1858, at house of Christopher Deskins, by the Rev. L. M. Carter. (LKWH Jan. 23.) SHANKS, GEORGE W., / Sabera J. Sneid, both of St. Joseph, Mo., mar. Dec. 27, 1860, at Elwood, by Jos. W. Robinson. (EFP, Dec. 29.) SHARPE, ISAAC B., / Nettie Bennett, both of Wyandotte, mar. June 12, 1860 at residence of Dr. J ' E. Bennett, by the Rev. William Barnett. (LR June 21.) SHELDON, E. P., M. D., / S. Matilda Schuyler, both of Burlingame, mar. Sept. 26, 1860, by Rev. G. W. Paddock. (WCG, Sept. 29.) SIIIELDON, HON. HENIIY C., Council City, K. T./ Elizabeth Piper, Seneca, Ontario county, N. Y., mar. Sept. 8, 1857, at the Shawnee House, by Rev. G. W. Paddock. (LKWH, Sept. 12.) SHERMAN, MAJ. W. T., U. S. artillery, / Mary H., dau. of Hon. Wilson Sbannon, ex-governor of Kansas territory, mar. Aug. 4, 1858, by Rev. C. M. Callaway. (LHF, Aug. 28.) SHIRE., / C. A. Reppart, both of Grasshopper Falls, mar. Mar. 7, 1860, at Grasshopper Falls, by Rev. Josiah B. McAfee. (LDT, Mar. 15.) SHROYER, WILLIAM A./ Pbebe M. Furgeson, both of Lawrence, mar. Sept. 9, 1857, at the Harris House, Westport, by Rev. Nathan Scarritt. (LHF, Sept. 19.) SHULTZ, ABSALOM, /Mary Jane Lovell, both of Burr Oak bottom, Kan., mar. Mar. 9, 1856, at Columbus, K. T., by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LHF, Mar. 29.) SIMPSON, WILLIAM F., / Julia Holmes, Shawnee, mar. April 4, 1860, at Shawnee, Johnson county, by Rev. J. Spencer. (WWA, April 7.) SINEX, JACOB, / Pamelia Doy, both of Lawrence, mar. April 2, 1860, by Rev. John S. Brown. (LR, April 19. SINGER, JOHN M./ Hannah McCombs, both of Ottumwa, mar. Oct. 23, 1860, by Rev. J. W. Leard. (BNVR, Oct. 24.) SKINNER, JAMES W./ Elizabeth Cornman, mar. June 16, 1857, by Rev. M. M. Haun. (LKWH, July 18.) SLAUSEN, WILLIAM LYSANDER, Onondaga county, N. Y./ Dorcas Nesbitt, Weedsport, N. Y., mar. Mar. 3, 1859, at Weedsport. (WCKC, Mar. 24.) SLOAN, JOSEPH W./ Ellen M. Hill, both of Leavenworth county, mar. Sept. 20, 1860, by Rev. F. M. Williams. (LDT, Sept. 29.) SLOANE, STERLING B./ Mary, dau. of Cornelius Dorland, mar. Jan. 16, 1859, by Giles A. Briggs. (WCKC, Jan. 20.) SMILEY, ROBERT W./ Victoria N. Roberts, mar. Dec. 15, 1858, by the Rev. E. Alward. (EFP Dec. 18.) SMITH, ADOLpnus, Lawrence, / Sophia Anne Osmer, of Chase county, mar. Jan. 7, 1860, by J. M. Pherson. (EKN, Jan. 21.) SMITH, ALLEN B./ Eliza J. Phillips, mar. Jan. 8, 1861, by Rev. S. G. Brown. (EKN, Jan. 12.) SMITH, CHARLES, / Elizabeth Eger, both of Wakarusa, mar. July 31, 1856, at Wakarusa, by Rev. S. Y. Lum. (LHF, Jan. 3, 1857.) SMITH, CHARLES W./ Lucretia B. Cook, of Lowell, Mass., mar. Mar. 10, 1855, by Rev. Mr. Foster. (LHF, April 7.) SMITH, FRANic B., of Manhattan, / Lucy F., youngest dau. of Capt. Freeman Maybury, of Dighton, Mass., mar. July 25, 1857, at Dighton, by Rev. Mr. Sandford. (LHF, Aug. 8.) SMITH, GILES, / Ellen Esther Martin, mar. April 2, 1857, by Rev. E. Note.(LHF, April 25.) SMITH, HARVEY, / Lucy E., dau. of Jacob Creath, all of Palmyra, Mo., mar. 1856, by Rev. John Leighton. (LKWH, Nov. 1.) SMITH, J. T./ Cristena Wallace, both of Freedom township, Bourbon county, mar. Sept. 28, 1859, by G. Stockmyer. (FSD, Oct. 6.) SMITH, DR. JOSEPH F./ Lavina Wood, mar. Jan. 25, 1857, by Rev. Hiram Stone. (LKWH, Jan. 31.) SMITH, MICHAEL, / Emeline Blanden, mar. June 11, 1860, at home of A. W. Dole, by D. E. Bowen, Esq. (Lawrence, Republican, June 21.) SMITH, T. B./ Sarah Ann Greenwood, both of Blue Mound, mar. Dec. 25, 1856, near Blue Mound, by Rev. A. L. Downey. (LHF, Jan. 24, 1857.) SMITH, WILLIAM H./ Roxy Beardsley, mar. Aug. 13, 1857, by Rev. R. C.Brant. (LHF, Aug. 22.) SMITH, WILLIAM W./ Emeline Rice, both of Coffey county, mar. Oct. 23, 1859, at residence of Dr. Manson, by H. N. Bent, Esq. (BNVR, Oct. 25.) SNYDER, E./ Harriet, dau. of John O'Neal, mar. Dec. 28, 1858, by Rev. C. Graham. (HWH, Jan. 1, 1859.) SNYDER, ISRAEL, Richland county, Ohio, / Mary A., dau. of George C. Scrafford, Iowa Point, mar. Dec. 31, 1857, by Rev. C. C. McKain. (WCKC, Jan. 7, 1858.) SNYDER, JAMES A./ Belle Perrine, both of Blue Mound, mar. Oct. 27, 1857, at Blue Mound, by Rev.S. S. Snyder. (LR, Nov. 5.) SODEN, WILLIAM T./ Frances Jane McCormick, both of Pike township, Breekinridge county, Kan., mar. May 18, 1860, by B. T. Clark, Esq. (EKN, June 2.) SPA,rzTER, NATHAN, / Mrs. Mary N. Hayman, mar. Feb. 21, 1860, at the home of the bride, by judge M. S. Adams. (LDT, Feb. 23.) SPAULDING, A. J./ Rosanna Harris, mar. Feb. 26, 1860, by the Rev. Wm. W. Backus. (LDT, Feb. 27.) SPEER, JuDcE J. L., / Mrs. C. A. Newland, both of Jefferson county, mar. Mar. 17, 1859, at Leavenworth, by Rev. A. W. Pitzer. (LR, Mar. 24.) SPENCER, THE REV. JOAB, Shawnee, Johnson county, / Mary C. Munkres, Council Grove, mar. Aug. 20, 1860, at home of the bride's mother, by Rev. H. H. Craig. (CGKP, Aug. 25.) SPERRY, LEvi, / Nancy Jane Anderson, mar. Aug. 13, 1857, near Franklin, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LR, Aug. 27.) SPICER, ARTHUR H./ Lucinda F. Gee, mar. May 23, 1860, at Franklin, by J. B. Gilliland, Esq. (LKWH, June 2.) SPITLER, MARION L., Indiana, and Mary Emily Burnham, Maine, mar. June 28, 1859, at Padonia, Brown County, by Isaiah P. Winslow. (WCKC, July 7.) SPVEY, JOHN GILL, Oskaloosa, / Lucy F. Wilkerson, Boone county, Mo., mar. Sept. 6, 1857, by Elder E. E. Chrisman. (LKND, Sept. 29.) SPIVEY, JOHN GILL, / Marietta L. Havens, mar. Jan. 1, 1861, by the Rev. Nelson Alvord. (OI, Jan. 2.) SPRAGUE, JAMES, / Susan McKeIvy, both Of Jefferson county, mar. Dec. 30, 1860, at residence of Mr. McCleny, by Rev. J. S. Kline. (OI, Jan. 2, 1861.) STALEY, EDWIN, /Sarah Frances, dau. of Elder S. G. Brown, mar. July 10, 1860, by Elder W. E. Evans. (EKN, July 21.) STALON, JAMES, / Cyntba A. McClintock, mar. Jan. 30, 1858, at residence of bride's father in Sumner, by Rev. B. C. Dennis. (LKWH, Feb. 13.) STANISFIELD, JOHN M./ Harriet Reese, mar. -, 1859, at home of bride's brother. (TKT, Jan. 13.) STARK, ANDREW, Moneka, / Sue M., dau. of Capt. William Swingley, mar. Dec. 24, 1860, at residence of bride's father ' Mansfield, Linn county, by Rev. Mr. Hobbs. (LR, Dec. 27.) STAUDENMAYEET, THE REV. L. R.,/ Elizabeth Lilly, dau. of Henry W. Conner, Esq., Charleston, S. C., mar. Nov. 16, 1858, at St. Michael's church, Charleston, by Rev. P. T. Keith. (AFC, Dec. 4.) STEPHENS, GEORGE W., of Burlington, / Carry M. Thurston, of Providence, R. I., mar. May 29, 1858, at Burlington, by Rev. P. Remer. (LR, July 8.) STEPHENS, JOHN W., late of Cincinnati, Ohio, / Margaret A. Henry, late of Allegheny county, Pa., mar. June 21, 1855, at Pleasant Grove, Kan., by Rev. William Butts. (LKWH, July 14.) STEPHENS, JOHN W./ Leonah Johnston, both of Le Roy, mar. Sept. 20, 1860, at Le Roy, by Rev. E. Phillips. (BNVR, Oct. 10.) STEVENS, S. N., / Emily Coffin, Bangor, Me., mar. -, 1856, at Bangor, by G. W. Snow. (TKT, Dec. 22.) STEVENS, WILLIAM, formerly of Rockport, Mo./ Mary Will Griffin, mar. May 25, 1857, at Rockport, by Elder T. N. Gaines. (LKWH, June 20.) STEVENSON, THOMAS, / Sopb;a C. Spinning, mar. Oct. 12, 1858, by Rev. S. M. Irwin. (HWH, Jan. 1, 1859.) STEWART, CAPT. GEORGE H., U. S. Army, / Maria H. Kinzie, mar. Jan. 14, 1858, at Ft. Leavenworth, by Rev. H. Stone. (LKWH, Jan. 23.) STOKES, EDWIN, / Malvena A. Berkaw, mar. Sept. 20, 1857, at Bloomington, by Rev. E. Note. (LHF, Sept. 26.) STONE, A. D., of 2nd artillery, U. S. A./ Kate, dau. of Col. H. Rich, sutler at Ft. Leavenworth, mar.Oct. 6, 1859, at Ft.Leavenworth, by Rev. Hiram Stone. (LDT, Oct. 8.) STONE, AUGUSTUS D./ Narcissa Kate Shields, mar.July 6, 1860, at Baldwin City, by the Rev. W. R. Davis. (LR, July 19.) STONE, JAMES M./ Lucretia A. Bradley, mar. Mar. 3, 1859, at Randolph. (TKT, Mar. 24.) STONE, JESSE, / Sarah C. Packard, mar. Jan. 8, 1857, by Rev. L. Bodwell. (TKT, Jan. 12.) STONE, THE REV. M. W./ Mariah D. Doty, both formerly of New York, mar. Dec. 25, 1854, at the Baptist Mission, Kan. by Rev.Francis Barker. (LKFS, Jan. 3, 1855.) STONE, WILLIAM, / Catherine Casebere, both of Clinton, Kan., mar. Dec. 10, 1857, by Rev. M. R. Clough. (LR, Dec. 17.) STUART, JOHN, / Elizabeth Harbin, of Bourbon county, mar. Nov. 17, 1859, at Fort Scott, by Rev.Elijah Freeman. (LR , Nov. 24.) STUART, Jonn G. / Melissa Dillon, mar. July 19, 1860, by Rev. John Hale, of Deerfield, Mo. (FSD, July 21.) STUART, LT. JAS. E. B./ Flora, eldest dau. of Col. P. St. George Cooke, U. S. dragoons, mar.Nov. 14, 1855, at Ft. Riley, by Rev. D. Clarkson. (LKWH Dec. 1.) SULLIVAN, JOHN M.,chief bugler, 2nd dragoons, / Malinda J. Collins, Ft.Leavenworth, mar. Oct. 25, 1855, by Rev. L. Ker. (LKWH, Nov. 17.) SULLIVAN, MICHAEL, / Sarah Ann Spittle, mar. Dec. 7, 1856, at Lawrence, by Rev. C. H. Lovejoy. (LHF, Dec. 20.) SwARTz, ISAAC, / Matilda Hamlin, mar. May 5, 1859, at Uniontown, Johnson co, by Dillon Pickering, Esq. (AFC, May 28.) SWATZEL, JOHN, / Catherine Donnelson, mar. July 5, 1858, by the Rev. G. Seymour. (LHF, July 24.) SWISHER, F. M., of Prairie City, Kan./ Mattie E. Calwell, of Lawrence co, Pa., mar. Sept. 1, 1857, at Pittsburgh, Pa., by Rev. J. L. Read. (LHF, Sept. 19.) TAYLOR, E. L./ Mollie A. McGrath, both of Moneka, Linn county, mar. June 30, 1859, by Rev. Josiah Lamb. (LR, July 14.) TAYLOR, ELLIOT, / Anna J. Johnston, mar. Dec. 25, 1860, in Manhattan, by Rev. C. E. Blood. (MKE, Dec. 29.) TEcAnT, JAMES, / Virette Vincent, both of Topeka, mar. Nov. 8, 1860, by Rev. J. Griffing. (TKSR, Nov. 10.) TELFFR, DR. JAS., America, Kan./ Mary J. Jackson, formerly of Carrolton, Ohio, mar. July 27, 1859, at the Mansion House, by Rev. Hiram Stone. (LWT, July 30.) TEMPLETON, J. N./ Margaret A. Hawkins, both of this city, mar. Mar. 9, 1860, at Shawnee, by Rev. Wm. Holmes. (WWA, Mar. 14.) TERRILL, CHAUNCEY L./ Martha E. Clark, mar. Dec. 29, 1858, at home of bride's mother, by Rev. Joel Kneeland. (TKT Jan. 13,' 1859.) THACHER, T. DWIGHT, ESQ., of Lawrence, / Kate Faulkner, eldest dau. of Jesse Angell, Esq., mar. Sept. 9, 1857, at Dansville, N. Y., by Rev. S. M. Campbell, (LR, Oct. 1.) THOLEN, WILLIAM, / Hannah Brown, mar. Nov. 10, 1860, at residence of bride's mother, by Rev. 1. S. Kalloch. (LDT, Nov. 20.) THOMAS, S. J., ESQ./ Harriet N. Hurd, both of Spring, Crawford county, Pa., mar. May 24, 1855, at residence of John Long, Kan., by Rev. G. H. Poole. (LHF, June 2.) THOMAS, S. M., of firm of Thomas & Lines, / Cornelia M., dau. of C. B. Lines, mar. Dec. 23, 1857, at Wabaunsee, Kan. (LR, Jan. 28, 1858.) THOMAS, WILLIAM H./ Martha LaHay, mar. Feb. 12, 1857, at Bloomington, by Rev. T. J. Ferril. (LHF, Feb. 2 .) THOMPSON, DANIEL, / Emily T. Garrison, Mar. June 6, 1860, at home of bride's father near Topeka, by Rev. John A. Steele. (TKSR, June 9.) THOMPSON, GEOIIGIE S., of Lawrence, / Mary A. R., dau. of Levi Farwell, of Lancaster, Mass., mar. May 31, 1859, at Lancaster, by Rev. George F. Jenks. (LHF, July 9.) THOMPSON, COL. R. T./ Hattie M. Pilcber, both of Humboldt, mar. May 6, 1860, at Humboldt, by Rev. Isaac Knott. (LR, May 17.) THOMPSON, S. P./ Mrs. Phebe M. Adams, mar. April 18, 1860, by J. C. Miller, Esq. (TKT, April 21.) THOMPSON, WILLIAM P./ Emily C. Young, both of Topeka, mar. Mar. 10, 1859, at Lawrence, by Rev. E. Note. (LHF, Mar. 19.) THRESHER, CHARLES A./ Sarah Frances Welker, mar. Mar. 11, 1860, by Rev. Ira Blackford. (TKSR, Mar. 17.) TIPTON, WILLIAM, /Mary Oliver, both of Stanton, mar. Sept. 24, 1857, at Stanton, Lykins county, Kan., by L. D. Williams. (LKWH, Oct. 17.) TODD, RILEY, / Rebecca Kelly, mar, Oct. 25, 1858, by Elder S. W. Jackson. (LKWH, Oct. 30.) TODRUNTER, EVAN, / Landora Luman, mar. Aug. 28, 1859, by Rev. Mr. Campbell, (LKND, Sept. 1.) TOD.HUNTER, JAMES D./ Rachael Jane Coulter, both of Lecompton, mar. Sept. 5, 1857, at Lawrence, by Rev. E. Note. (LHF, Sept. 12.) TOLLES, FRANCIS O., late of Perkinsville Vt./ Mary B. Stone, late of Wilbrabam, Mass., mar, Jan. 1, 1856, at'Lawrence, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LHF, Jan. 12.) TOLLES, Dn. L. C./ Caroline A. Wilbor, of Little Compton, R. I., mar. Mar. 1, 1857, at Little Compton, by Rev.James B. Weeks. (LHF, April 18.) TONYZ, JOHN, / Elizabeth Taylor, mar. April 6, 1858, in Johnson county, by Rev. G. Seymour, (LHF, April 17.) TORREY, R. U., Seneca, Nemaba county, / Frank M. Ranson, of Belleville, Jefferson county, N. Y., mar.Aug. 23, 1859, at Belleville, by Rev.Daniel Rona(WCKC, Sept. 1.) TREAT, L. S., ESQ., / Mary Dorotbea, dau. of Hon. Joseph Cooper, Frankfort, Ky. mar. Aug. 6, 1858, at Atchison, by Mayor Samuel C. Pomeroy. (AFC, Aug. 7.) TRICKAY, E. L., formerly of St. Louis, Mo./ Julia M., dau. of Gen. C. A. Partens, Jefferson City, Mo., mar. Oct. 22, 1857, by Rev. Mr. Longherd. (LKWH, Nov. 28.) TIRUAXE, JOSEPH, / Emeline Whitaker, both of Atchison county, mar. [April 25], 1858, by the Rev. Pardee Butler. (SG, May 1.) TULL, WILLIAM, / Mary A. Harmon, mar. Feb. 15, 1857, on Pottawatomie creek, by Rev. William C. McDow. (LHF April 11.) TURNER, JAMES, Chillicothe, Mo./ Andalusia W., dau. of Thornton Myers, Princeton, Mo., mar.Jan. 27, 1855,at Princeton,by R. B.Ballew, Esq. (LKWH Feb. 23.) TWOMBLY, BENJAMIN H./ Mrs. Augusta A. Runyon, late of Auburn, N. Y., mar. Oct.21,1855,by Rev.D.Z.Smith. (LKWH, Oct. 27.) UMBARGER, GEORGE W./ Rosaltha Hazeltine, both of Bloomington, mar. Aug. 6, 1857, near Bloomington, by Rev. E. Nute. (PCFC, Aug. 20.) UPHAM, DAVID, /Sarah Gaskins, both of Hunter county, Kan., mar. July 30, 1860, at Walnut creek, by Rev. G. Cosgrove. (EKN Aug. 11.)