VANCIL, ISAAC C./ Mary E. Wood, both of Clinton, mar. April 3, 1859, by Rev. D. J. Woodward. (LR, April 28.) VAN FossiEi-z, C. H., Lafayette, Ind./ Carrie Armstrong, Wyandotte City, mar. Dec. 1, 1857, by Rev. W. Barnett. (WC, Dec. 5.) VAN HORN, H. C./ Emily Humphrey, both of Forest Hill, mar. Dec. 20, 1858, by Rev. G. C. Morse. (EKN Jan. 22, 1859.) VAN NESS, PETER, / Eliza C. Spencer, mar, Sept. 9, 1860, at Dragoon creek, by Allen Hodgson, J. P. (EKN, Sept. 29.) VANSKIKF,, DANIEL, Shelby county, Mo., / Tabitha Eastin, Bloomington, Macon county, Mo., mar. Jan. 15, 1856, by Rev. Dr. S. C. Ruby. (LKWH, Feb. 16.) VANSLYCK, A. N./ Hannah Farnsworth, both of Avon township, Coffey county, mar.Jan. 30, 1860, by Rev. Rodney Paine. (BNVR, Feb. 14.) VANSLYKE, J. M./ Mrs. Matilda Morgan, mar.June 11, 1857, "between a hazel thicket and the wagon" in Crawford county, Mo., by Rev. E. H.Headlee.(LKWH, June 27.) VANSYCKLF, S - B.,/Mrs. Harriet Reynolds, mar. June 26, 1860, at Lawrence, by Rev. H. H. Moore. (LR, June 28.) VANSYCYLIE, S. B./ Susan Pascal Fish, mar. Sept. 9, 1856, on the Shawnee reserve, by Rev. S. Y. Lum. (LHF, Jan. 3, 1857.) VAUGHAN, CHAMPION, /Elizabeth Nickles, mar. Mar. 3, 1860, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. J. G. Reaser. (LDT, Mar. 5.) VELSOR, J. N., Delaware, / S. Annie Saunders, Platte county, Mo., mar. Oct. 21, 1857. (DKFS, Oct. 31.) VIEAU, Louis, / Mary Louise jonnies, both of Pottawatomie county, mar. 11860, by Rev. Pastor of St. Mary's Mission. (MKE, Sept. 29.) VOGHT, JOHN, / Josephine Vinot, mar. July 17, 1859, by J. Miller, J. P. (LHF, July 23.) VREDENBURG ' FRANK, / Mary Spicer, both of Geneva, mar. Dec. 25, 1859, at Geneva, Allen county, by the Rev. G. S. Northrop. (LDT, Jan. 31, 1860.) WALIKER, A. P./ Bennie Gorman, Tuscaloosa, Ala., mar. May 24, 1860, at hoi-ne of bride's father, by Rev. Robert B. White. (LKND, June 28.) WALKER, R. E./ Viola L. Jones, mar. Aug. 30, 1857, by the Rev. S. Y. Lurn. (LR, Sept. 3.) WALKLING,, ORLANDO, / Susie, dau. of T. A. Hill, Willow creek, Greenwood co mar. Sept. 18, 1860, in Greenwood county, at residence of bride's father, by Rev. Rodney Paine. (BNVR, Sept. 29.) WAALLING, W. B., / Louisa C . Clough, mar. Nov. 22, 1857, by Rev. M. R. Clough. (LR, Dec. 17.) WARD, CHANDLER H./ Christina McIntyre, mar. Feb. 28, 1859, by the Rev. E. Note. (LHF, Mar. 5.) WART, CHRISTOPHER, / Louesa Brown, mar. Dec. 1, 1859, at Fremont, by Rev. G. Perkins. (EKN, Dec. 10.) WATSON, FRANK, / Rebecca Denham, both of Ottumwa, mar. Sept. 29, 1859, at Ottumwa, K. T., by Rev. H. H. Johnson. (BNVR, Nov. 29.) WATSON, JOHN H., Columbus, Miss./ Melissa Payne, of the juncstieopnt,. Imlar). Sept. 7, 1858, by Rev. G. C. Morse. (EKN}, WATSON, JOHN W., / Georgia Harmon, Rushville, Mo., mar. April 19, 1858, by Rev. Horace Herandon, Port Williams. (AFC, May 15.) WATSON, S., / Mrs. M. White, both of Doiiipban county, mar. Dec. 13. 18,55, by T. W. Waterson. (LKWH, Feb. 9, 1856.) WATSON, THOMAS, / Barbary Coulter, mar. May 9, 1858, at home of J. D. Todhunter, by Rev. William Wilson. (LHF, May 22.) WAYMAN, JOHN, / Sarah Jane Putnam, both of Waterloo township, Breckinridge co , Kan., mar. Sept. 15, 1860, by J. R. Swallow. (EKN, Oct. 8.) WEAVER, JOHN W./ Mary Jane Burns, mar. Mar. 22, 1860, at residence of bride's father, near Emporia, by Rev. C. C. Morse. (LR, Mar. 29.) WEBSTER, THOMAS F./ Mrs. M. Picker, mar. Feb. 28, 1860, by Rev. A, W. Pitzer. (LDT, Feb. 29.) WEED, DR. T. J./ Idalia, dau. of Lyman Scott, mar. Oct. 2, 1859, by Rev. R. D. Parker. (LDT, Oct. 4.) WERLER, HENRY, / Arnelia Fink, mar. Dec. 11, 1858, by Rev. R. C. Brant.(LR, Dec. 16.) WELCH, DR. J. W./ Mary A. Castleman, niece of Maj. B. D. Castleman, Lecompton, both of Lincoln county, Mo., mar. Nov. 27, 1859, by Rev. T. G. Wright. (LKND, Dec.i5.) WELCH, S. K./ Mollie Ireland, both of Andrew county, Mo., mar. Sent. 17, 1857, by Rev. William Price. (LKWH, Oct. 3.) WELCH, WALTER J., Denver City, / Delilah Smith, Council Grove, mar. Aug. 29, 1860, at the Gilkey House, by William M. Mansfield, Esq. (CGKP, Sept. 1.) WELLER, SOLOMON, / Mary E. Hill, both of Newmarket, Platte county, Mo., mar. Oct. 30, 1860, at the Renick House, Leavenworth, by Rev. II. D. Fisher. (LDT, Nov. 1.) WELLINGTON, GEORGE Y., Pacific City, Iowa, / Sue, dau. of the late Jefferson Schultze, Baltimore, Md., mar. July 29, 1857, in Baltimore, by Rev. George F. Adams. (WCKC, Sept. 10.) WETHERBEE, AMORY, / Mrs. Mary E. White, both formerly of Boston, Mass., mar. Mar. 11, 1856, by the Rev. E. Nute. (LHF, Mar. 15.) WHEADEN, A./ Miss Rodebaugh, of Wakarusa, mar. Aug. 20, 1857, by Rev. S. S. Snyder. (LR, Sept. 3.) WHINERY, JASON, New Brighton, Jackson county, / Catherine Williams, Brown county, mar. May 6, 1860, at residence of bride's father, by Esq. Hodge. (TKT, June 9.) WHISTLER, WILLIAM, / Sarah A. Goodell, Sac & Fox agency, mar. Dec. 28, 1859, at Minneola, by the Rev. Joseph Welsh. (BNVR Jan. 3, 1860.) WHRSTON, JESSE, / Lou,sa Bond, both of Washington creek, mar. Nov. 18, 1857, by the Rev. M. @. Clough. (LR, Dec. 17.) WHITE, GEORGE, Leavenworth, Kan./ Jennie Strode, mar. Oct. 16, 1855, at St. Louis, Mo., by Rev. Mr. Cbevington. (LKWH, Oct. 27.) WHITE, HI]RAM, / Malinda Rowsa, both of Wathena, mar. Oct. 23, 1860, at residence of bride's father, Watbena, by Rev. 0. B. Gardner. (EFP Oct. 27.) WHITE, THOMAS, / Eliza Bemis, both of Butler county, mar. April 24, 1860, by Israel Scott, Esq. (EKN, May 5.) WIIITEHORN, SAMUEL, late of Michigan, / Juliet L., dau. of Rev. C. H. Lovejoy, mar. Feb. 19, 1856, at Manhattan, by Rev. C. H. Lovejoy. (LHF Mar. 22.) WHITESIDES, T. B., formerly of South Carolina, / Lizzie Moore, both of Delaware City, mar. Jan. 28, 1858, by Rev. W. Thomas. (LKWH, Feb. 6.) WHITLOCK, WILLIAM, / Mrs. Mir,-dful A. Anderson, mar. April 27, 1857, by Rev. L. B. Dennis. (LHF, May 2.) WICKER, LEONARDO D./ Mrs. Arabella Z. Skidmore, both of Burlingame, mar. April 17, 1859, at Burlingame, by John Drew, Esq. (EKN, April 23.) WIELEY, DEXTEII, / Amandy M. Haseltine, both formerly of Hamilton, Butler co, Ohio, mar. Oct. 23, 1856, at Bloomington, by Rev. Mr. Norton.(LHF, Nov. 15.) WILcox, DR. JOHN, / Mag. H. Griffin, mar. May 25, 1857, at Rockport,Mo., by Elder T. N. Gaines. (LKWH, June 20.) WMDER, JOHN H./ Mrs. Anna M. Legg, mar. Nov. 30, 1856, by Rev. E. Nute. (LHF, Dec. 27.) WILEY, ANTON F./ Margaret A. Spraggs, mar. July 4, 1860, at Springhill, Johnson county, by fames Parrish, Esq, (LR, July 26.) WILHITE, E. S./ T. A., dau. of Geo. W. Givens, mar. Aug, 18, 1857, at Milton, Ky., by the Rev. Mr. Alexander. (LKWH, Aug. 28.) WILLIAMS, ADONIJAH, of Kansas Mission conference of the M. E. Church, South, / Martha A. Dyer, Juniata, Kan., mar. May 26, 1857, by Rev. Nathan Scarritt. (LKWH, June 20.) WILLIAMS, E. W., of Leavenworth, / Ida E. Tracy, of Elwood, mar. Jan. 8, 1858, at residence of bride's father in Doniphan county, by J. J. Wyatt, judge at St. Joseph, Mo. (LKWH, Jan. 16.) WILLIAMS, H. H., and Mary A. Carr, both of Osawatomie, mar. Feb. 23, 1859, at Osawatomie, by Rev. S. L. Adair. (LR, Mar. 3.) WILLIAMS ' HENRY, Wakarusa, / Ruth Griffith, Wakarusa, mar. Dec. 13, 1855, at Lawrence, by Rev. S. Y. Lum. (LHF, Jan. 19, 1856.) WILLIAMS, HucH, and Annis W. Gleason, mar. Oct. 24, 1858, near Lawrence, by Mr. Nettleton, Esq. (LHF, Oct. 30.) WILLIAMS, JOHN S./ Abigail, dau. of Joseph H. Killbuck, mar. June 3, 1855, at Shekomeko (Moravian mission), three miles from Leavenworth by Rev. David Z. Smith. (LKWH june'8.) WILLIAMS, L. P., of Mississippi, / Lydia, dau. of John Ash, of Kentucky, mar. Sept. 14, 1857, at Ft. Leavenworth, by Rev. Leander Ker, chaplain, U. S. A. (LKWH, Sept. ig.) WILMARTH'LEWIS C., /Carrie Whiting, mar. Aug. 12, 1860, by Rev. Lewis Bodwell. (TKSR, Aug. 18.) WILSON, JAMES T., Platte county, Mo./ Emily T. Wilson, late of Washington co, Ky., mar. Mar. 21, 1856, in Calhoun county, Kan.,by Hon.Judge Kuykendall. (ASS, April 1.) WILSON, JOHN L., probate judge Of Pottawatomie county, / Mrs. Zoa E. Ducharrne, Louisville, mar.Dec. 26, 1860,at Louisville, by A. C. Rewell.(MKE, Jan. 5, 1861.) WILSON, LEvi, / Mrs. Hedwig Tburman, both of Leavenworth, mar. Sept. 17, 1854, at Weston, Mo., by Rev. Frederick Starr. (LKWH, Sept. 22.) WINANS, H. K., of Williamsport, Shawnee county, / Carrie S. Brooks,of Florence, Ohio, mar. Aug. 9, 1858, t residence of bride's mother,at Florence, by Rev. Mr. Van Waggoner. (LR, Aug. 26.) WINANTS, A., ESQ./ Mrs. P. Maria Adams mar. Nov. 28, 1858, by Rev. C.M. Callaway, (TKT Dec. 16.) WINGET, JACOB, / Margaret L. Cloyd, both of Holt county, Mo., mar. April 23, 1860, at White Cloud, by Giles A. Briggs, Esq. (WCKC April 26.) WINTERS, M. S./ Mary E. Brooke, both of Lecompton, mar. Oct. 30, 1856, at Brooke's Hotel, by Rev. G. J. Rice. (LU, Nov. 6.) WINTON, JOHN R./ E. A. Dobbins, both of Prairie City, mar. Oct. 22, 1857, by Rev. G. W. Hutchinson. (LHF, Oct. 31.) WOODWARD, BRINTON W./ Lucie M. Wilder, mar. Oct. 9, 1859, near Lawrence by Rev. E. Note. (LHF, Oct. 15.) WRIGHT, CL-IARLFS W./ Anna A. Wright, Americus township, Breckinridge co, Kan., mar. Aug. 11, 1860, at home of Benjamin Wright, by S. S. Chapman, Esq. (EKN, Aug. 25.) WRIC,HT, WILLIAM, of Ringgold county, Iowa, / Nancy Ann, dau. of William Nlillsapps, Elwood, mar. Feb. 29, 1860, by Rev. J. E. Ryan. (ElFP, Mar. 3.) WRICHT, WILLIAM, JR., Kickapoo City, / Jane Kilby, mar. Nov. 2, 1857, at Elizabeth Town, Canada West, by Rev. Joseph Bryant. (LKWH, Jan. 9, 1858.) YouNG, RoBERT, / Sarah Jane Hopper, mar. Mar. 20, 1856, near Lawrence, by the Rev. S. Y. Lum. (LHF, Mar. 29.) YOUNG, WILLIAM, / Margaret H. Bell, Paris, Ill., mar. Dec. 20, 1860, at residence of bride's parents, by the Rev. A. W. Pitzer. (LDT Dec. 21.) ZIMMERMAN, JOHN CALVIN, / Catherine Lee mar. May 25, 1860, at residence of bride's father on Rock creek, by the Rev. J. E. Ryan. (EFP, June 2.)